DuCoop is the national winner for the Energy Globe Awards 2020
The project of DuCoop at the Nieuwe Dokken was selected as national winner of the Energy Globe Awards: most renown environmental prize worldwide.
The Energy Globe Awards was founded in 1999 and awards the most relevant Environmental projects worldwide. An international jury selected a shortlist of projects from more than 2.500 applications; honouring international laureates within the categories 'Earth', 'Fire', 'Water', 'Air' and 'Youth'. Additionally, 187 national winners became selected.
The 'ZAWENT'-project at the Nieuwe Dokken in Ghent was praised for its contribution in fighting water pollution in Belgium. "All of these activities combined have resulted in lowering the city’s new neighbourhood's CO2 emissions by 70%, zero-liquid-discharge, and minimal waste production. Maximum local sustainability and resilience to climate change are thus ensured.
more info: https://www.energyglobe.info/n...
Furthermore, DuCoop is shortlisted for an award both by the Belgian and European juries for the 2020-Business Award for the Environment. The feedback of the international jury sounded: "The jury was very impressed by this company as DuCoop is an exemplary model for promoting circular solutions at a district level, involving cooperation with local industry to deliver cost effective and environmentally beneficial utility services to residents. DuCoop has created a local circular economy with the recovery of waste heat, water and resources. The savings of water, sewage and energy are quantifiable, the technologies are proven, and there appears to be considerable scope for replication of this 'systems' approach."